Global Initiatives

We are passionate about serving the global community and demonstrating God’s love to others. Whether working with human trafficking victims or providing ongoing food and health aid for children in remote areas, we are focused on supporting and engaging in relationships that provide relief and restoration to a hurting world. 

We are currently working in the Philippines to bring much needed food and medical supplies to children in remote areas of the country. In 2023, we were able to start assisting in funding education for victims of human trafficking as well.

Reflecting on our journey since that first medical mission trip, we are filled with awe at the difference we’ve been able to make together. The feeding program we started has grown into an open-door for the Gospel to be preached, providing not just meals but also the hope of Jesus. This has only been possible because of TruMission’s Partners.

Join us! As we take Jesus to the world.

Every $2 gift provides a hot meal and the opportunity to hear the gospel.

Our commitment is to deepen our impact in these key areas:

  • Feeding the Hungry: Today, a $2 gift can provide a hot meal and a chance to hear the gospel. Our goal to serve 500 people each visit is ambitious, but with your help, we know it’s achievable.

  • Spreading the Word: The distribution of Bibles in the local language is vital to our mission. At just $1 per Bible, your contribution can help spread the Word to many.

  • Partnership in Faith: Your support, whether it’s through donations or prayers, forms the cornerstone of our mission. We invite you to join us today in making a difference.

Let’s work together to sustain and grow this vital mission. Each meal served and every Bible shared represents a step towards transforming lives in the Philippines. Through these relief efforts, people will hear the Gospel and experience the love of God because of your giving.  Together we can transform the world. 

Join us! as we serve victims of human trafficking 

TruMission is funding the education of 4 middle school girls. 

Our commitment is to continue funding the education of children who have been victims of trafficking: 

Today, your gift can provide a survivor of human trafficking with the opportunity to pursue an education, offering a path to a brighter future and renewed hope. Our goal to support 10 survivors monthly is ambitious, but with your help, we know it’s achievable.

  • Building Futures: Education is a powerful tool in breaking the cycle of exploitation. Your contribution can help provide scholarships, school supplies, and vocational training to those in need.

  • Restoring Hope: Beyond education, your support aids in providing essential counseling and support services, helping survivors rebuild their lives with dignity and strength.

  • Partnership in Change: Your support, whether it’s through donations or prayers, forms the cornerstone of our mission. We invite you to join us today in making a difference.

Let’s work together to sustain and grow this vital mission. Each scholarship awarded and every skill learned represents a step towards transforming lives. Through these efforts, survivors will find hope and healing because of your giving. Together we can transform lives and bring an end to human trafficking.